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Friday, July 9, 2010

guns guns guns

Something I couldn't resist writing after reading a dozen unforgivably moronic endorsements of "open carry" gun laws. And yes, no shit, they really believe society would be IMPROVED if citizens packed loaded guns in public. Like many republican issues, it might sound good , ,right up to the point where you ACTUALLY THINK.

Here's your little IQ test. Society is safer when A) everyone is packin OR B) just the criminals and cops are packin.

There's the question. You done? Filled out that jeopardy card? Do these people honestly think that LAW ABIDING citizens carrying loaded weapons means that birds are chirping, criminals are cowering, and little ferries are fluttering past carrying chocolate? Really now? The stupidity of these simpletons who advocate open carry for “law abiding citizens” testifies enough that there are far too many morons out there.

Take all those gun tragedies together and multiply the victims by ten. .ok, maybe a hundred. That might be a months body count from just the accidents and frikkin road rage ALONE. But the real question here is why in gods name is that OBVIOUS point so tough for these “weapons experts” to fathom??? Just because you can imagine someone showing restraint from using deadly force doesn't mean its gonna go down that way. Jeeze la frikkin WEEZE people . ."hey, I was first in line" No, really, I was standing RIGHT HERE" Dude, I'm on meds, don't even, hey wait, BAM!" LOL .that's the third fatality of the morning at that Walmart.

OK, criminals. Let's talk criminals. I'm already rolling my eyes that this point even needs to be made. Now, what do you think criminals will do when they assume their victims are armed? Hear the Jeopardy music? A) say, well screw this, I'm gettin a law abiding job OR B) blow people's heads off so they don't get shot takin $30 bucks from your purse.

And finally, the finish. Let’s say a criminal comes into your house and kills you because you didn’t have a gun to blow him/her away first. Well guess what campers? That’s the way it goes. You’re dead. Or me, or my kids. Why? Because it’s a hell of a lot better to have one in a million get killed than a society losing one out of a thousand or even a hundred thousand. Do the math. You guys are thinking Ozzie and Dirty Harriette when you should be thinking Tombstone.

I'm really sorry. Sorry that the SACRED 2nd Ammendment needs revision. Really, breaks my frikkin heart ovah here.... But for the love of all that is holy, will you please talk to your other anti gov, wild west buddies and encourage a TEENY TINY bit of critical thinking? It only hurts a little. But you’ll be saving a LOT OF LIVES.

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