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Kids in general

Friday, August 19, 2011


Lately I've thought about the good side of death. Specifically the sudden variety that has been happening around me lately. Sudden, unannounced deaths. A guy steps into a jacuzzi. Another guy plops down on his favorite living room chair after a night at the theater. Yet another is upstairs changing for dinner in his hotel room. And in an instant, these awesome life stories suddenly end. Heart, brain, whatever. Mr. Reaper has been active around me lately.
Anyways, we all know the horrible, tragic part about suddenly dying. I think that going through the person's stuff must rank among the very worst things loved ones must do. But let's not forget the CARPE DIEM side of this. That we never know when our final heartbeat will thump is, let's just say it, AWESOME. That drives us.
It's amazing how laughably short is a human life span. I figure we American's might get about 79 years of quality, conscious living! So, that's why today's technologies are all the more interesting in the face of such insane brevity of life. Blogs, Face Book and all the things to come may serve as a way to stretch out our time on this planet. I've heard of sites that allow us to send emails about our death and even special love notes to loved ones and future loved ones that our silly little life span bars us from meeting. Cool beans I say. I like the idea of expanding ourselves a little beyond our biology.

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