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Friday, August 26, 2011

TX Gov. Perry and ATT?

Interesting excerpt from CREDO, supposedly a more "progressive" cell phone company.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has some extremist—and dangerous—ideas. He's open to Texas seceding from the United States. He believes Social Security is "a Ponzi scheme." He doesn't believe in global warming, but believes in teaching "intelligent design" to kids. He's anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage. And he opposes the federal income tax, which provides 45% of government revenue.
Then there are Perry's friends. They include neo-Confederates who've proudly endorsed him in Texas elections, preachers like John Hagee, who believes the Holocaust was the fault of Jews, and ultra-right businessmen Harold Simmons and Bob J. Perry, funders of the deceptive Swift Boat ads in 2004, who gave $1.1 million and $2.5 million to Perry's campaigns since 2000.
Speaking of the company he keeps, there's AT&T, which has contributed $462,739 to him since 2000.1 What's more, AT&T spent $18,349 to sponsor a lunch last December at a conservative summit and distribute 700 copies of Fed Up!, Perry's book which contains some of his most extremist ideas.2 Why?
CREDO Mobile fights right-wing extremists like Rick Perry. Join CREDO Mobile, America's only progressive phone company.

Now, I've never heard of CREDO but if Verizon buddies-up to whack jobs like Perry, you can bet I'll check em out!

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