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Friday, May 25, 2007

The worst kind of truth

Dear Neocon,
Many presidential historians aren't even waiting to pronounce this administration as the worst in American history. Not only because of Iraq, Katrina, horrid appointees, the culture of corruption, the seas of scandal, the record national debt, his slaughter of the environment, his butchering the english language, his paralysis during the 9/11 attacks, or his failure to grasp any issue beyond the simple black and white. No, it's the ton of other stuff that I can't even think of right now. But, listen, I urge you not to blame Bush so much. I mean, there are plenty of charming, untreated alcoholics out there with an IQ in the low 80s. My good friend is like that. Love him. OK, he's not a draft dodging, coke-sniffin wife cheater who failed at more jobs than Rush Limbaugh, but hey, I still don't think you can blame Bush. Really, the bulk of the guilty finger is pointed straight at you. Shocker? Don't be shocked, hear me out. That's because anyone gullible enough to elect this guy, twice, should really have known better. Even with the eternal flood of faulty intel from the conservative media, you TOTALLY neglected your duty as an American citizen. What duty? I shall tell you young grasshoppa. Your duty to step away from the mental boobytrap of conservative/liberal and instead to . . .ooooh, drumroll .... THINK CRITICALLY.
As always, the Iraq "war" is a good example. To "Support Your Troops" meant keeping them safe at home. Duh. That was obvious back in the months leading up to the invasion. And, remember, home is just where they'd be right now. As opposed to needlessly maimed or killed if only you were a true patriot who enthusiastically embraces our freedom, oops, I mean, your DUTY to question authority. Sadly, you chose to be a plastic patriot. By becoming a rubber-stamping puppet, you condemned our bravest to their doom. You thought you were being "conservative" and abandoned common sense. So, I'm sorry to say what I'm sure you've suspected for some time, but, here it is: Your ignorance and gullibility helped kill a whole lot of good people.

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